HR PROFILE - Reshat Mati


Born (Country) : Staten Island, New York, USA

Speciality - Work : Professional Boxer 7-0 (5ko's)

Heroes : My father (Adrian mati)

Favourite meal : Pizza "only from New York" 

In my gym bag, you will find : Boxing Gloves,workout clothes, sweat cream, boxing shoes and hand wraps 

Favourite quote : "Float like a butterfly sting like a bee" - Muhammad Ali

On my rest day, I : I like to relax, chill with family and play some video games and bbq some good food.

Hobbies : Basketball, video games, bowling (pretty much all sports), and just overall anything Competitive.

Favourite Music : Hip hop and r&b 

Favourite Travel Spots : Any place with a nice beach 

Pets : I don't have any pets but if I were to have a pet I'd like to have a dog or a kangaroo 😂

Other : Stay tuned on DAZN for more of my fights!